Briana Morgan

Briana Morgan is a data geek, health planner, writer, and unabashed (if unconventional) Feminist with a capital F. She believes in authenticity, radical self-care, and the power of donuts. Most of her work centers on using qualitative and quantitative research to improve HIV care and prevention. This means she’s constantly reading, learning, and acquiring new skills. It’s pretty great.
Briana is also a co-organizer of Philly NetSquared, a board member at PANMA (the Philadelphia Area New Media Association), and co-creator of Rebel Public Health. POZ Magazine named her as one of 100 people under 30 leading the fight against HIV/AIDS, and Billy Penn named her on their Who’s Next: The Givers, a list of 15 up-and-coming Philadelphians in the nonprofit/philanthropy sector. She’s got a few secret side projects in the works, too. (Ok, they’re not that secret – just ask her about them.) And most importantly, she is really, really jazzed about Philadelphia and Philadelphians.
Briana’s talk: