Dawn McDougall

Sustainability and the environment have long been a passion of Dawn’s. Since moving to Philadelphia she’s become fascinated by the built-environment and how people create meaning in these places. Cities have unique stories, and Dawn finds interest in seeing how they evolve over time.
Since graduating in early 2015 with a BS in sustainable urbanism she has pursued a career in the world of civic technology. Her entry point was the incredible community that organizes around it, and it continues to show more and more about the world and herself.
As the Executive Director of Code for Philly, Dawn works with passionate, engaged people to use technology as a way to make Philly better. A large part of her work is broadening and diversifying the community, creating meaningful partnerships with other aligned organizations, and driving thoughtful conversation about civic tech at large.
Other fixations and distractions of Dawn’s include biking and walking through Philly, reading nonfiction/graphic novels, sketching ideas and playing with digital art tools, cooking, and poorly managing cuteness aggression.
Dawn’s talk: