Eleanor Whitney

Eleanor Whitney is a Brooklyn-based writer, educator and the Community Marketing Manager for Dev Bootcamp’s New York City campus. For over fifteen years she has worked with creative companies, such as Shapeways, the New York Foundation for the Arts and the Brooklyn Museum, to strengthen their community relationships, business practices and develop strategic content. She is the author of “Grow: How to take your diy project and passion to the next level and quit your job,” a practical field guide for starting a creative business, released in 2013 by Microcosm Publishing. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Cultural Studies and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration. An outspoken advocate of diversity and inclusion in tech and society, she believes that when people are able to actualize their creative goals our culture as a whole becomes more robust and sustainable. Her work is driven by a strong sense of equity, a trust in the power of community, and the belief that questioning the established ways of doing business is crucial to our personal and cultural health.
Eleanor’s talk: